My Recipes For You to Enjoy!
Chicken Cranberry Pizza

Homemade Raw Muesli - Wheat Free

Rye and Barley Flatbread

Rye and Spelt Sourdough Bread recipe on "Homemaking" page


Really Easy Chicken Cranberry Pizza

We really love pizza, (all nine of us!), and the fun we can have creating varied and delicious toppings is rivalled only by the delight in eating them. This is a recipe I created after becoming addicted to Chicken Cranberry Pizza at a restaurant. This Pizza is so delicious it is our family favourite. Everyone who eats it raves about it - both young and old. It is so easy to make that the older children can do it all by themselves. The younger children love putting the toppings on (when they're not eating them!). They all thoroughly enjoy making it, and often beg me "Can I make Chicken Cranberry Pizza tonight?"
Whenever I roast a chicken, I always roast two. Whatever is left over I pull off the bones and freeze in cup size lots, into resealable bags. You need one bag for two pizzas. I make my pizza bases in the breadmaker, on the "Dough" setting. It takes 5 seconds to dump all the ingredients in the breadpan, and 45 minutes for the breadmaker to mix it and rise it.

The Recipe

My Breadmaker is a Panasonic, and I put into it (in this order):  
Pizza Dough
  • 3 t Surebake Yeast
  • 3 1/2 c white or wholemeal flour
  • 1 T honey or mollasses
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 1/4 c (or slightly less)  of warm water
Pizza Ingredients
  • Pizza dough or base (enough for two pizzas)
  • 275g jar Cranberry Sauce (we prefer Jellied)
  • 1 cup pre-cooked chicken
  • Grated cheese (to pile on as much as you like!)
If using dough, roll out to make two pizza bases.
Spread half of the Cranberry Sauce onto each Pizza. Sprinkle the chicken evenly on top. Smother with cheese.
Bake at 180 C, or 375 F for about 20 minutes.
Enjoy this delicious pizza, along with some wholesome and stimulating family conversation around the dinner table, and delight your family's tastebuds while you nurture their souls.



I buy grains and cereals in bulk.  It is much cheaper this way, and if you combine with a few friends you may be able to set up your own account with a wholesaler.

The base of my muesli is rolled oats.  I like the wholegrain, chunky ones best, but I use a mixture of chunky and quick cook.  Then add any ground nuts (use a food processor or coffee grinder), whole or ground seeds, dried fruits, and other cereals of your choice.  It is nice with cornflakes mixed in, but I find they rise to the top in the container, so I prefer to keep them in a separate container and add them in the plate.

Get a 40Litre plastic bin (with a lid) to mix and store the muesli in.  Scoop smaller amounts into your cereal container to serve.
Here is my recipe:

Pour into your plastic bin:
3 - 5 kg wholegrain (chunky) oats
2 - 3 kg quick cook oats
2 - 4 cups each of:
   whole linseeds
   whole sesame seeds
   whole millet
   whole sunflower seeds
   dried pineapple
other dried fruit (optional)
1 cup each of:
   ground almonds
   ground brazil nuts
   ground pumpkin seeds
Approx. 200g packet of:
   puffed millet
   puffed rice

Mix well.  The children love to mix it - make sure their hands and arms are clean and let them go for it!



This recipe is wheat and dairy free.

2 c rye flour
1 c barley flour
1 c rice flour
3 T olive oil
1/2 t salt
water to mix

Mix dry ingredients.  Add oil and mix until crumbly.  Add water
a little at a time, until mixture is damp but not gluggy - it will be
easily pliable and not stick to your hands.  Divide into 16
equal balls.  Roll each ball on floured surface with floured
rolling pin until thin, about side plate size.  Meanwhile heat
frypan to medium-hot with a little oil in it.  Using fish slice, put
in hot frypan and cook about 1 minute, then turn and cook
other side.  Add more oil to frypan before cooking the next

Keep well in freezer.  Take out however many you wish to use,
heat slightly in oven, toaster, or microwave, and use as a wrap,
or tear off pieces to eat with soup or a meal.